Vanessa Marian
- Dance Therapist
- Byron Bay
Clientele Focus
- Black
- Children
- Immigrant
- Indigenous
- NB
- Queer
- Trans Men
- Trans Women
- Trauma Informed
- Women
Vanessa Marian
Training across New York, Paris, Berlin, London, Tokyo, Brazil, regional Australia, and her purple bedroom, Vanessa Marian Varghese is particularly fascinated with street dance and the way it is born outside of the dance studio context. In 2016 Vanessa founded Groove Therapy, aimed at making dance accessible to all walks of life. The program has brought dance to at-risk youth, Indigenous communities, dementia sufferers, refugee girls and the every-day person, using the political and healing foundations that these street dance styles are built upon and mindfully appropriating it in new communities to help spark global conversation and cultural understanding.